Results for 'Cristina D’Ancona Costa'

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  1.  21
    Avicenna and the Liber de Causis: A Contribution to dossier.Cristina D'Ancona Costa - 2000 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 7:95-114.
    Partiendo del conocimiento que los árabes tuvieron de los textos neoplatónicos atribuidos a Aristóteles, tales como la Pseudo-Teología y el Liber de Causis, la autora de este estudio investiga el posible conocimiento que Avicena tuvo de este último libro, conocido en el mundo árabe por el título de Kalam fi mahd al-hayr. Se apoya, para ello, en el análisis de cuatro pasajes de la Metafísica de la gran enciclopedia filosófica Al-Sifa ("La curación").
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    The libraries of the Neoplatonists: proceedings of the meeting of the European Science Foundation Network "Late antiquity and Arabic thought: patterns in the constitution of European culture", held in Strasbourg, March 12-14, 2004 under the impulsion of the scientific committee of the meeting, composed by Matthias Baltes, Michel Cacouros, Cristina D'Ancona, Tiziano Dorandi, Gerhard Endress, Philippe Hoffmann, Henri Hugonnard Roche.Cristina D'Ancona Costa (ed.) - 2007 - Boston: Brill.
    The transmission of Greek learning to the Arabic-speaking world paved the way to the rise of Arabic philosophy. This volume offers a deep and multifarious survey of transmission of Greek philosophy through the schools of late Antiquity to the Syriac-speaking and Arabic-speaking worlds.
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    Recherches sur le Liber de causis.Cristina D’Ancona-Costa - 1995 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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  4. Métaphysiques Médiévales Études En l'Honneur d'André de Muralt.Cristina D'ancona Costa, Curzio Chiesa, Léo Freuler & André de Muralt - 1999 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie.
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    Separation and the Forms.Cristina D’Ancona Costa - 1997 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 71 (3):367-403.
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    Porphyry, Universal Soul and the Arabic Plotinus.Cristina D'Ancona Costa - 1999 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 9 (1):47.
    Scholars working in the field of Graeco-Arabic Neoplatonism often discuss the role Porphyry, the editor of Plotinus, must be credited with in the formation of the Arabic Plotinian corpus. A note in this corpus apparently suggests that Porphyry provided a commentary to the so-called Theology of Aristotle, i.e., parts of some treatises of Enneads IV-VI. Consequently, Porphyry has been considered as responsible for the doctrinal shifts which affect the Arabic Plotinian paraphrase with respect to the original text. This article aims (...)
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  7.  68
    Aristotelian and Neoplatonic Elements in Kindī’s Doctrine of Knowledge.Cristina D'Ancona Costa - 1999 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 73 (1):9-35.
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  8. Introduzione alla filosofia: il problema della verità.Cristina D'Ancona Costa - 1978 - Roma: Volpe.
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    Recherches sur le Liber de causis.Cristina D'Ancona Costa - 1995 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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    Aristotele e i suoi esegeti neoplatonici: logica e ontologia nelle interpretazioni greche e arabe: atti del convegno internazionale, Roma, 19-20 ottobre 2001.Vincenza Celluprica & Cristina D'Ancona Costa (eds.) - 2004 - [Roma]: CNR, Istituto per il lessico intellettuale europeo e storia delle idee.
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    Aristotele e i suoi esegeti neoplatonici: logica e ontologia nelle interpretazioni greche e arabe: atti del convegno internazionale, Roma, 19-20 ottobre 2001.Vincenza Celluprica, Cristina D'Ancona Costa & Riccardo Chiaradonna (eds.) - 2004 - [Roma]: CNR, Istituto per il lessico intellettuale europeo e storia delle idee.
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    Cristina D'Ancona Costa, La Casa della Sapienza. La trasmissione della metafisica greca e la formazione della filosofia araba. [REVIEW]Jean-Luc Solère - 2000 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 98 (2):361-364.
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  13.  31
    La notion de l'Un dans Thomas d'Aquin.Chr D'ancona Costa - 1997 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 64 (2):315-351.
    Le traité Περὶ θείων ὀνομάτων de l’élève de Proclus dissimulé sous le nom de ‘Denys l’Aréopagite’— traité qui a été récemment édité en qualité de premier titre de la série Corpus Dionysiacum— est subdivisé en deux grandes parties par un excursus fameux sur le problème de la substantialité des maux. Dans la première partie, contenant les chapitres I-III, l’auteur discute la possibilité des prédications dont l’objet est le premier principe. Dans la deuxième, contenant les chapitres V-XIII, il en présente les (...)
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  14. Amorphon kai aneideon. Causalité des formes et causalité de l'Un chez Plotin.C. D'Ancona Costa - 1992 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 10:69-113.
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    La doctrine néoplatonicienne de l'être entre l'antiquité tardive et le moyen 'ge.C. D'ancona Costa - 1992 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 59:41-85.
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    Platonic and Neoplatonic Terminology for Being in Arabic translation.Cristina D’Ancona - 2011 - Studia Graeco-Arabica 1:23-46.
    The Arabic version of the Enneads is the earliest datable text in which appears the term "anniyya", that features in Avicenna’s metaphysics and lies in the background of the Latin definition of the Causa prima as esse tantum, typical of the Liber de Causis. This paper examines some examples of the use of "to be" in the Arabic translation of the Enneads. It also discusses the description of the First Cause as ‘pure Being’ or ‘first Being’ in the Arabic Plotinus, (...)
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  17.  28
    Degrees of Abstraction in Avicenna.Cristina D'Ancona - 2008 - In Kärkkäinen Knuuttila, Theories of Perception in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. pp. 47--71.
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  18.  94
    Greek sources in arabic and islamic philosophy.Cristina D'Ancona - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  19.  10
    Al-Kindi on the Subject-Matter of the First Philosophy Direct and Indirect Sources of Falsafa al-ūlā, Chapter one.Cristina D’Ancona - 1998 - In Jan Aertsen & Andreas Speer, Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? Qu'est-ce que la philosophie au moyen âge? What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages?: Akten des X. Internationalen Kongresses für Mittelalterliche Philosophie der Société Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médié. Erfurt: De Gruyter. pp. 841-855.
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  20.  48
    Modèles de causalité chez Plotin.Cristina D'Ancona - 2009 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 90 (3):361.
    L’idée d’une discontinuité radicale entre l’Un et l’être intelligible a été parfois comprise comme la thèse la plus intéressante de Plotin pour l’histoire de la métaphysique. En effet, à côté de passages où Plotin établit un rapport de ressemblance entre l’effet et la cause, il y en a d’autres où une théorie de la causalité des principes est introduite, selon laquelle le principe « donne ce qu’il n’a pas ». Dans le but d’examiner si cette théorie conduit Plotin à soutenir (...)
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  21.  24
    Proclo:" enadi" e apxai nell'ordine sovrasensibile.Cristina D'Ancona - forthcoming - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia.
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  22.  44
    Medieval Neoplatonism.Cristina D’Ancona - 2019 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 13 (1):69-85.
  23.  22
    Plotinus, Arabic.Cristina D'Ancona - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 1030--1038.
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  24.  24
    À propos du De Anima de Jamblique.Cristina D'Ancona - 2006 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 4:617-640.
  25.  77
    Storia della filosofia: Antichità e Medioevo.Cristina D’Ancona - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (2):665-669.
  26.  13
    The Libraries of the Neoplatonists: Proceedings of the Meeting of the European Science Foundation Network “Late Antiquity and Arabic Thought. Patterns in the Constitution of European Culture” Held in Strasbourg, March 12-14 2004 Under the Impulsion of the Scientific Committee of the Meeting.Cristina D' Ancona (ed.) - 2007 - Boston: Brill.
    The transmission of Greek learning to the Arabic-speaking world paved the way to the rise of Arabic philosophy. This volume offers a deep and multifarious survey of transmission of Greek philosophy through the schools of late Antiquity to the Syriac-speaking and Arabic-speaking worlds.
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  27.  23
    Aileen R. Das, Galen and the Arabic Reception of Plato’s “Timaeus”, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp. xii, 243; black-and-white figures. $99.99. ISBN: 978-1-1084-9948-4. [REVIEW]Cristina D’Ancona - 2022 - Speculum 97 (3):820-822.
  28.  51
    On Proclus and his Influence in Medieval Philosophy. [REVIEW]Cristina D’Ancona - 1996 - Ancient Philosophy 16 (1):280-289.
  29. Philosophus in libro De causis. La recezione del Liber de causis come opera aristotelica nei commenti di Ruggero Bacone, dello ps. Enrico di Gand e dello ps. Adamo di Bocfeld. [REVIEW]Cristina D'ancona - 1991 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 2:611-649.
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    Paul Kalligas, The “Enneads” of Plotinus: A Commentary., vol. 1, trans., Elizabeth K. Fowden and Nicolas Pilavachi. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014. Pp. xx, 706. $85. ISBN: 978-0-691-15421-3. [REVIEW]Cristina D’Ancona - 2015 - Speculum 90 (2):552-554.
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    Comprendre Temps et récit II : du discours théorique au commentaire de Mrs Dalloway.Cristina Henrique da Costa - 2024 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 15 (1):86-106.
    Cet article propose une lecture de Temps et récit II de Paul Ricœur. Ce livre qui porte sur l’idée de configuration du temps dans le récit afin d’assurer la continuité entre la préfiguration du récit et sa refiguration, et qui cherche à comprendre la spécificité du récit de fiction par rapport au récit historique, est un discours à trois dimensions : philosophie, théories du récit et œuvres majeures de la littérature. Il pose un certain nombre de problèmes théoriques qui seront (...)
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  32.  42
    Les risques de la symbolisation du mal. Essai de confrontation entre La Symbolique du mal et La Littérature et le mal.Cristina Henrique da Costa - 2020 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 10 (2):52-69.
    Cet article compare deux livres majeurs : La Symbolique du mal, de Paul Ricœur et La Littérature et le mal, de Georges Bataille. L’articulation de ces deux penseurs que tout semble opposer répond à l’espoir de dégager une forme de compatibilité productive entre eux à travers leur intérêt commun pour le langage du mal. On insistera tout d’abord sur Ricœur : c’est en reconnaissant que le dire de l’expérience du mal passe d’abord nécessairement par un langage symbolique qu’il nous permet (...)
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  33.  26
    The libraries of the neoplatonists. Edited by Cristina D'Ancona: Book reviews. [REVIEW]Michael Ewbank - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (4):705-706.
  34.  60
    The Reception of Greek Philosophy (C.) D'Ancona (ed.) The Libraries of the Neoplatonists. Proceedings of the Meeting of the European Science Foundation Network 'Late Antiquity and Arabic Thought. Patterns in the Constitution of European Culture' held in Strasbourg, March 12–14, 2004 under the impulsion of the Scientific Committee of the meeting, composed by Matthias Baltes†, Michel Cacouros, Cristina D'Ancona, Tiziano Dorandi, Gerhard Endreß, Philippe Hoffmann, Henri Hugonnard Roche. (Philosophia Antiqua 107.) Pp. xxxvi + 531. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2007. Cased, €149, US$199. ISBN: 978-90-04-15641-. [REVIEW]Dominic J. O'Meara - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (2):438-.
  35.  32
    Preparing for a Sustainable Future.Fayez Albadri, Najwa Ashal, Ambareen Beebeejaun, Khoyratty Bushra, David Crowther, Maria Costa, Marcia Juliana D’Angelo, Bheekharry Normada Devi, Cristina Góis, Srushti Govilkar, Kritika Jaiswal, Vimi Neeroo Lockmun-Bissessur, Chris McLean, José Lázaro Oliveira Nunes, Flávio Oliveira, Swaleha Peeroo, Dineshwar Ramdhony, Raysa Geaquinto Rocha, Martin Samy, Maria João Santos, Aatman Shukla, Ruchi Tewari, Subrun Veerunjaysingh & Clara Viseu - 2023 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    The term sustainability has become one of the most significant in the current era. It seems to be ubiquitous amongst academics, politicians, business leaders, media personnel and even the general public. It is no exaggeration to state that it is considered all over the world to be the most pressing issue to be addressed for the long-term future of the planet and its inhabitants. The topic is of course complex, and the issue of sustainability is under much debate as to (...)
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  36.  83
    Post truth: the new war on truth and how to fight back.Matthew D'Ancona - 2017 - London: Ebury Press.
    Welcome to the Post-Truth era-- a time in which the art of the lie is shaking the very foundations of democracy and the world as we know it. The Brexit vote; Donald Trump's victory; the rejection of climate change science; the vilification of immigrants; all have been based on the power to evoke feelings and not facts. So what does it all mean and how can we champion truth in in a time of lies and 'alternative facts'? In this eye-opening (...)
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  37. The Struggle for Existence.Umberto D'ancona, H. G. Andrewartha, L. C. Birch & David Lack - 1957 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 8 (29):64-66.
  38.  19
    Divine and Human Knowledge in the Plotiniana Arabica».Crjstina D'’Ancona - 1997 - In John J. Cleary, The perennial tradition of Neoplatonism. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.
  39. Opere di Tommaso Campanella.Tommaso Campanella & Alessandro D'ancona - 1854 - Pomba.
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    (3 other versions)Carteggio.Giovanni Gentile, Alessandro D'ancona, Amedeo Crivellucci & Carlo Bonomo - 1969 - Firenze: Sansoni. Edited by Donato Jaja & Maria Sandirocco.
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    The Teaching of Ethics and the Moral Competence of Medical and Nursing Students.Vera Sílvia Meireles Martins, Cristina Maria Nogueira Costa Santos, Patrícia Unger Raphael Bataglia & Ivone Maria Resende Figueiredo Duarte - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 29 (2):113-126.
    In a time marked by the development of innovative treatments in healthcare and the need for health professionals to deal with resulting ethical dilemmas in clinical practice, this study was developed to determine the influence of the bioethics teaching on the moral competence of medical and nursing students. The authors conduct a longitudinal study using the Moral Competence Test extended version before and after attending the ethics curricular unit, in three nursing schools and three medical schools of Portugal. In this (...)
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  42.  28
    The sound of distance.Cristina D. Rabaglia, Sam J. Maglio, Madelaine Krehm, Jin H. Seok & Yaacov Trope - 2016 - Cognition 152:141-149.
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    Neural reuse and human individual differences.Cristina D. Rabaglia & Gary F. Marcus - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):287-288.
    We find the theory of neural reuse to be highly plausible, and suggest that human individual differences provide an additional line of argument in its favor, focusing on the well-replicated finding of in which individual differences are highly correlated across domains. We also suggest that the theory of neural reuse may be an important contributor to the phenomenon of positive manifold itself.
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  44. Aristotele e Plotino nella dottrina di al-Kind¬ sul primo principio.Cd’Ancona Costa - 1992 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 3:363-422.
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  45. Separation and the forms: A Plotinian approach.C. D'anconna Costa - 1997 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 71 (3):367-403.
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  46.  10
    Lucian: Selected Dialogues.C. D. N. Costa (ed.) - 2005 - Oxford University Press UK.
    A translation of fourteen of Lucian's dialogues, offering a cross-section of his styles and satirical targets, from serious polemic to lighter squibs and character-portrayals. Also included are How to Write History and his most famous piece, A True History, a parody of the popular vogue for fabulous traveller's tales. Each piece has a summary introduction, and notes to clarify obscure allusions in the text. The Introduction examines in some detail Lucian's importance as a dominant Atticizer in the period of the (...)
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  47.  53
    The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity (review).John Rist - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):136-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late AntiquityJohn RistLloyd P. Gerson, editor. The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity. 2 vols. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Pp. 1313. Cloth, $240.00.1313 pages, including 915 pages of text and 200 of bibliography; 51 authors—in about 800 words! The editor of the present Cambridge History makes plain that his new two-volume monument is the successor to Armstrong’s Cambridge History (...)
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  48. State- or trait-like individual differences in dream recall: preliminary findings from a within-subjects study of multiple nap REM sleep awakenings.Serena Scarpelli, Cristina Marzano, Aurora D’Atri, Maurizio Gorgoni, Michele Ferrara & Luigi De Gennaro - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    A função da angústia na metapsicologia freudiana.Lara Cristina D' Avila Lourenço, Milena de Barros Viana & Danúbia Cristina de Paula - 2011 - Natureza Humana 13 (1):65-83.
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  50.  24
    On predicting others’ words: Electrophysiological evidence of prediction in speech production.Cristina Baus, Natalie Sebanz, Vania de la Fuente, Francesca Martina Branzi, Clara Martin & Albert Costa - 2014 - Cognition 133 (2):395-407.
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